

Mt. Fuji Climbing Route

We will provide information on recommended courses to the top of Mt. Fuji and mountain huts.

Check out the guide information such as the popular Yoshida route and the sunrise time at the summit.

Recommended courses

Aim for the top from the Fuji Subaru Line 5th station!

  • ◎Time required/Climb about 6hour 20min. Descend about 3hour 30min.

    Rich nature, flora and fauna and full of deep history, Yoshida guchi trail allows you to experience the true pleasure of climbing Mt. Fuji. This is a recommended course for those who want to master Mt. Fuji climbing.

    《Climb easily using a mountain hut!》

    There are many mountain huts on Yoshida guchi root from the fifth station to the summit and these are also good indications to climb. It is important to check the websites in advance since the capacities and services vary depending on the mountain hut. If you want to be sure of your stay, please make a reservation because the huts may be fully booked during the peak season.

  • 馬の背


Check the information of the mountain huts

  • This map shows you the detailed information on the mountain trail to the top of Mt. Fuji and information on the mountain huts.Please feel free to use it while climbing.

    ◎Sunrise time at the top
    The beginning of Jul.
    About 4:30 am
    The beginning of Aug.
    About 4:50 am
    The middle of Aug.
    About 5 am
    The end of Aug.
    About 5:10 am
  • Check the information of the mountain huts

Moutain huts and Mt.Fuji climbing guide information

※To make a reservation for mountain hut information in off seasons, please contact the contact information at the foot of each mountain hut.

Moutain huts and Mt.Fuji climbing guide information
◎Mt.Fuji climbing guide inquiry

Fujisyoshida climbing guide office : 0555-23-2522 / Goriki corporation : 0555-24-1032


Recommended Sets

  • Full set
  • Perfect set