

Access to Mt. Fuji

You can visit Mt. Fuji by train, bus, and car, etc.

Please check in advance if you wish to use them especially since the bus schedules change every year.

Access map

  • Access map
  • ◎By train

    Get off at Fujisan station from Shinjuku station or get off at Kawaguchiko station from Mishima station and get on the bus from each station to the fifth station.

    ◎By bus

    Direct bus from Shinjuku station to the fifth station or buses from Fujisan station or Kawaguhciko station by Fujikyu bus to the fifth station.

    ◎By car

    Get off Kawaguchiko I.C. from Tokyo or get off Fujiyoshida I.C. from Gotemba and park at the Fujisan Parking and then go to the fifth station by Fujikyu bus.

google map



Recommended Sets

  • Full set
  • Perfect set