

Rental Terms and Conditions

The followings are the rental terms and conditions for renting products at LaMont, Fuji Climbing Equipment Rental Shop.

Article 1.(General Provisions)

These Rental Terms and Conditions shall apply to any rental agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Rental Agreement") between "LaMont, Fuji Mountaineering Equipment Rental Shop" (hereinafter referred to as the "Shop"), if no separate contract documents are prepared.

Article 2 (Rental Products)

The shop rents to the customer, and the customer rents, the rental goods described in the delivery note issued by the shop to the customer.

Article 3 (Conclusion of Contract)

The rental contract between the shop and the customer shall be concluded when the customer applies to use the rental service to the shop and the shop accepts the application. The shop will examine the contents of the customer's application and may refuse to provide the rental service in some cases. The shop shall not be obligated to explain the reason for refusal even in the case of refusal.
*If you live outside of Japan, you may not be able to rent even when you are in Japan.

Article 4 (Rental Period)

The rental period shall be the period stated on the delivery note.The Rental Agreement under these Rental Terms and Conditions may not be terminated by cancellation or otherwise, except as provided in these Rental Terms and Conditions. The rental period cannot be changed even if the customer conveniently picks up the rental items after the rental start date or fails to pick them up within the redelivery period (approximately one week after the first delivery).The rental contract will be terminated if the rental items are returned to the sender after the redelivery period. If the contract is terminated for the customer's convenience, the rental fee must be paid in full.
For on-site rentals (rentals directly from the shop), the rental period cannot be changed even if the customer fails to contact the shop on the rental start date or does not show up for any reason.If the customer does not contact the shop or does not show up after the expiration date of the rental period, the rental contract will be terminated. If the contract is terminated for any reason by the customer, the rental fee must be paid in full.

Article 5 (Fees)

The customer shall pay to the shop the amount of the rental fee, transportation expenses, damage insurance fee, etc., calculated based on the rental fee schedule issued by the shop and valid on the date of conclusion of the rental contract, plus consumption tax (hereinafter referred to as "Rental Fee, etc.").
The shop require damage insurance for all rental items. Damage insurance covers only repairable damage, and the customer may be charged for severe damage, non-repairable damage, or loss in accordance with the contents of the damage insurance policy.

Article 6 (Delivery of Rental Goods)

The shop shall deliver the rental equipment to the customer at the location in Japan designated by the customer on the rental start date (or the day before the rental start date for home delivery), and the customer shall return the rental equipment on the expiration date of the rental period (or the day after the rental end date for home delivery).
The rental items rented by the customer from the shop shall be deemed to have been delivered to the customer as per the delivery note.

Article 7 (Scope of Liability for Collateral)

The shop will replace the rented product if the product does not work properly due to a performance defect that occurred during the rental period for reasons not the fault of the customer. The shop will also refund the rental fee if no replacement product is available, thereby absolving the customer of any responsibility.
*Please note that no refunds will be made beyond the rental fee, etc.
Other than this, The shop shall not be liable to the customer for any damages except in the case of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the shop.
The shop reserves the right to cancel the rental contract in the event that repair or replacement of the rented item as described in the preceding paragraph requires excessive costs or time.
The shop assumes no responsibility for the following items or similar matters.
Damage caused by accidents or damage to third parties resulting from the customer's use, installation, or storage of the rental products.
Damages incurred by the customer in the event that the rental product becomes unusable during the rental period
Damage incurred by the customer in the event that the rental goods fail to fulfill the purpose of the rental contract due to an accident during delivery.
Damages incurred by the customer due to inability to use the rented product

Article 8 (Use and Storage of Rental Goods)

The shop will not be liable for any damage caused by the customer's carelessness in using the rental items.
The shop will not be liable for any damages incurred by the customer, such as failure to fulfill the purpose of use.
The customer may not allow a third party to use, transfer, pledge, or sublease the rental items. The customer may not refurbish or alter the rental items.
The customer shall check the rental items for shape and quantity as soon as they arrive. The shop shall be notified immediately of any damage, shortage, or other problems. No complaints will be accepted after the start or end of the rental period.
The customer shall return the rental items in the same condition as at the beginning of the rental period. The shop reserves the right to charge the customer a separate maintenance fee for items that are obviously unusually dirty.
The customers are required to read the "Instruction Manual" and "Rental Product User Guide" before using the rental products and confirm how to use the rental goods before starting to use them.

Article 9 (Violation of Obligation to Use Rental Goods)

If the rental item is lost or damaged due to reasons attributable to the customer, or if the customer infringes on the shop's ownership rights to the rental item, the customer shall indemnify the shop for all damages incurred by the shop, including the cost of repurchasing the lost rental item or repairing the damaged rental item. The customer shall be liable for any and all damages incurred by us.
In the event of theft, you are required to notify the shop immediately, file a damage report with the police, and report the receipt number to the shop.

Article 10 (Return of Rental Goods)

The customer must complete the shipment of the rental items from the designated carrier by the expiration date of the rental period based on the period stated on the delivery note. However, if the customer does not contact us for more than 3 days after the expiration date of the rental period, or if the customer violates these Rental Terms and Conditions, the shop may cancel the rental contract without special notice or demand.
In this case, the customer shall immediately return the rental items. After the cancellation of the contract, until the shop receives the return of the rental items, the customer shall pay a penalty fee (the same amount as the extension fee) in addition to the amount equivalent to the extension fee. If the shop determine that the product is unlikely to be returned, the customer will be required to pay the product replacement price in addition to the extension fee and penalty fee.

Article 11 (Extension of Rental Period)

If the customer wishes to extend the rental period, the customer must notify the shop by noon of the expiration date of the rental period, and if the shop accept the customer's request, the customer may extend the rental period.
However, the rental period cannot be extended in the event that another customer has already made a reservation for the product in question. In the event that the shop is notified that the rental period cannot be extended, the rental equipment must be returned promptly by the end of the contract. If the shop is unable to rent the equipment due to a delay in return, and the shop incur a loss, the shop will charge the customer for the loss.
In the event of an extension of the rental period, the fee will be based on the "per day thereafter" section of the Rental Fee Schedule. However, if the rental period is extended without notice, the rental fee will be charged at 1.5 times the normal extension fee.
*In principle, however, the shop do not accept extension of the rental period from July to September.

Article 12 (Force Majeure)

If the shop is unable to complete delivery of the rental items to the customer by the rental start date due to a natural disaster, act of God, fire, war, civil war, or other force majeure (limited to events beyond our control), the shop shall not be liable for any delay for the duration of such event. However, the rental fee, etc. for the period during which use is prevented may be reduced or exempted on a pro-rata basis.

Article 13 (Delivery Destination)

Rental items will be shipped to the customer's registered address (or to the registered company address for corporate customers).The shop will, however, deliver the items to the venue of an event, etc., as long as the delivery address is verifiable.

Article 14 (Reservation Cancellation Fee)

In case of cancellation of a reservation after it has been confirmed, a cancellation fee will be charged from 5 days prior to the scheduled rental start date. Please see below for detailed rates. If payment has already been made, the cancellation fee and remittance fee will be deducted and refunded.
6 days prior to the rental start date Free of charge
5 days before the rental start date - 3 days before the rental start date 20% of the rental fee
2 days or more before the start of the rental period - If the rental equipment is returned to the shipping company before the start of the rental period 50% of the rental fee + round-trip shipping fee
After the above 100% of the rental fee + round-trip shipping fee

Article 15 (Transfer of Rights)

The shop may assign our rights under this contract to a third party such as a financial institution, or may pledge them as collateral.

Article 16 (Forgotten equipment when returning rental items)

If the customer forgets a part of the set contents when returning the rental items, the customer will be charged 30% of the rental fee based on the "per day thereafter" section of the rental fee schedule until the part of the set contents is returned. In addition, the customer will be responsible for delivery charges when returning the part of the set that the customer has forgotten.
In the event that the shop is unable to rent the item due to another customer's reservation for the item, the shop will be charged for the loss.
In the event of loss, the customer will be required to pay the product replacement price.

Article 17 (Governing Law)

The laws of Japan shall apply to the formation, validity, performance and interpretation of these Rental Terms and Conditions.

Article 18 (Default of Contract)

In the event that the return of merchandise is overdue without notice and is not returned after one week without contact, or if false address, identity, contact information, etc. is entered on the application form (including Internet applications), or if telephone calls are dropped, a damage report will be filed with the police department and legal proceedings will be taken.

Article 19 (Jurisdiction of Court)

In the event that a lawsuit becomes necessary in connection with this Rental Agreement, the summary court in the location of the shop's head office shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance.

富士山登山用品レンタルショップ LaMont(ラモント)


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